Our Recommended Imagify Settings

Optimization Level

Since we released Imagify v2.0 we introduced Smart Compression which was the default compression level. However, if there was an issue with the image quality you could re-optimize the image to the Lossless compression level through Media Library(List View)

On Imagify v2.1, we have re-introduced the Lossless compression level and you have the ability to choose the Lossless compression level by default and optimize your images in bulk.

Auto-Optimize Images on Upload

In most cases, we would recommend enabling this option as a convenience so whenever you upload new images to your Media Library, they automatically get optimized. With that said, if there are only certain images that you want optimized and you’d prefer to manually choose which images to optimize, then you could disable this option.

Backup Original Images

We strongly recommend backing up your original images because they are needed to:

  • Generate new thumbnail sizes (could be needed if changing your theme or adding a plugin)
  • Re-optimize images to another compression level or restore them to original
  • Generate Next-Gen versions of images
  • Potentially be used for any new features Imagify may add in the future

Lossless compression

With this option added to v2.1 you can choose the Lossless compression level by default and optimize your images without losing quality at all.

Keep All EXIF Data From Your Images

Note: This feature is also removed in v2.0. There is no real impact on image size when removing EXIF data, so we decided to keep it by default.

Next-Gen Image Creation & Display

On Imagify v2.2 we have introduced the AVIF format to create and display on your website and in most cases we recommend having it enabled because AVIF images usually offer a smaller file size than normal images while keeping the same image quality. With the Create AVIF versions of images option enabled, you’ll end up with both optimized versions of the original format images (JPG/PNG) and the AVIF versions.

It’s good to have both of these to provide fallback support for users with browsers that don’t support Next-Gen formats yet. The Use <picture> tags and Use rewrite rules options are used to display your Next-Gen images on your pages if browser support is available and the original format version if not.

The Use <picture> tags option is the default and preferred setting, but if you notice any layout issues caused after optimization with this option enabled, you can try switching to the Use rewrite rules option as long as you don’t use Cloudflare or a CDN. For more information on this, please view this documentation.

It is important to note that the WebP conversion on Imagify v2.2 will be enabled by default. This means that if the AVIF creation option is not enabled then Imagify will still convert your images during the optimization procedure to Next-Gen formats which will be WebP.

Resize Larger Images

Reducing the display size of your images can provide a large reduction in their file size, so we recommend having this option enabled in most cases. You can set the maximum width value to what is appropriate for your site based on the maximum size at which your images might need to be displayed. This value can only be set a low as your largest registered thumbnail size.

Files Optimization

This section lists all the thumbnail image sizes registered with your site to be created by WordPress when you upload an image to your Media Library. Imagify will optimize and create Next-Gen versions for each thumbnail size that is checked. We recommend that you keep each of these sizes that are used on your site enabled, but you can disable any of the sizes that are not used.

Custom Folders

Imagify optimizes images in your Media Library by default, but if you have images stored in other folder locations on your server, you may wish to add those here. There’s an option to add your theme’s images to optimization as well.

We recommend adding any folders containing images that are displayed on your site so they’re all optimized. Once the folders are added and you run the Bulk Optimizer, you’ll be able to find these custom folder images in Media > Other Media.

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