The Simplest Solution
to Image Optimization

Our Features Will Make Your Life Easier

light up all your jpgs pngs pdfs gifs

Light up all your JPGs, PNGs, PDFs & GIFs

Imagify compresses the most common image formats and helps you speed up your website.
Yes, PDFs (are) included!

The power of Next-gen conversion

Imagify automatically converts your images to WebP (for high compatibility) or AVIF (for superior compression). This image conversion optimizes them for better performance, helping you address the Google PageSpeed audit and improve Core Web Vitals effortlessly.

WebP and Avif conversion
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Don’t get lost in dozens of settings

You don’t need to look into settings to pick the best compression level. Thanks to Smart Compression, Imagify automatically optimizes every single image balancing quality and performance. You get perfectly optimized images while saving time.

Resize your images on the fly

Resize your images directly on our app or integrate them on WordPress at their ideal size right away. Pick yourself any specific height, width to respect, or select your own percentage.


Optimize Your Images

And improve your loading time in less than 5 minutes

No credit card required

Don’t Worry, We Take Care of Your Images

Don’t overuse your server

We use our servers to optimize your images, not yours. And ours are specialized in image compression.

Save space and money

Imagify will help you save in bandwidth, storage, and backup sizes: your servers will feel lighter!

Your files are safe

Your images and documents stay confidential thanks to our secure and encrypted connections.

Slow websites don’t rank well. Big images slow down websites. The easiest way to fix that is to compress them. For WordPress, the easiest way to do that is Imagify.

Brandon Rollins Owner @Pangea Marketing Agency
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Integrate Imagify Everywhere

Optimize (directly) from WordPress

Thanks to our plugin, you can easily compress all your images automatically on WordPress.

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Connect to our API

Integrate Imagify in your custom development projects or apps to optimize images in every situation.

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