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July 13, 2022

How To Properly Size Images

Are you getting the “properly size images” warning when running a performance audit on Google PageSpeed Insights? This issue is triggered if Lighthouse identifies any images on your page that aren’t appropriately sized.

Properly sizing your images can drastically improve page loading times and reduce bandwidth consumption. In this article, we share some optimization techniques you can follow to optimize the images of your WordPress site.

What Does Properly Size Images Mean?

Properly sizing your images means that the image URL should not be larger than the size they are rendered at on the visitor screen. You should not serve anything larger than what’s needed – it would waste bytes and make the page slower.

The golden rule: Images uploaded on your WordPress site should be sized based on the dimensions they will be displayed.
Actual size vs rendered size - Source: Imagify
Actual size vs rendered size – Source: Imagify

What Triggers the Lighthouse Warning 

Lighthouse compares the size of the rendered image (device pixel ratio) and the size of the actual image. The “properly size images” warning is triggered if the rendered size is at least 4KiB smaller than the actual size. 

Impact Of Improperly-sized Images on Performance

If images are not sized properly, the browser will take the “decision” to resize them before displaying them to the visitor, wasting time and resources. Too large images harm the page experience, forcing the user to download more data than needed.  

A high-resolution image = huge file size = drastically affects web performance = more consumed cellular data 

This is what happens on the browser side when it parses not properly sized images:

Browser execution time with high-resolution images - Source: Imagify
Browser execution time with high-resolution images – Source: Imagify

The browser will spend more time downloading the file and resizing the image, increasing the bandwidth consumed. To avoid any performance issues related to images, there are a few easy techniques you can implement.  Let’s go over them in the next part! 

3 Tips to Properly Size Images on WordPress

To properly size images on WordPress, you can follow three easy image optimization tips: 

  1. Resize Images To Correct Dimensions 
  2. Use Responsive Images
  3. Use Vector-based Image Formats

Let’s dive in!

1. Resize Images to Correct Dimension 

Properly Size Images With Software and Online Tools

There are many free and premium software you can use to resize images to the correct dimensions. We are sharing two free options on Mac and Windows: 

  • Preview (Free on Mac)
Preview Software - Source: Preview
Preview Software – Source: Preview
  • GIMP – a free editing software allowing you to edit and resize images in a very convenient way: 
Resizing images - Source: GIMP
Resizing images – Source: GIMP

Of course, you also have the option to use the two famous Photoshop and Lightroom software, but they can be a steep learning curve. We have listed 10 alternatives to Photoshop for image optimization if you are interested.

Important: If you are resizing several images, you may find it more convenient to use a script like Imagemagick to automate the process. 

Properly Size Images Using an Image CDN 

Image CDNs can help to properly size images for your WordPress site. They specialize in the transformation, optimization, and delivery of images. They are like APIs that access and sort the images used on your site according to the user device. 

How does it work? 

Each image loaded from an image CDN has an URL that indicates which image to load, plus the size, format, and quality. Then it can “transform” the image to serve it in the best-optimized format. 

Image CDN’s URL - Source: WebDev
Image CDN’s URL – Source: WebDev

An image CDN also creates variations of an image for different use cases and reduces the image bytes consumption by at least 40%. Google Developers did interesting research about companies that decided to switch to an image CDN. This is how much data they saved:

Images bytes saved using an Image CDN - Source: Imagify
Images bytes saved using an Image CDN – Source: Imagify

2. Use Responsive Images

One of the best strategies for serving optimized images is called “responsive images”, meaning adjusting the width and height to fit any screen (mobile, tablet, or desktop). All the images will be optimized and served to the right screen, resulting in less bandwidth consumed and a faster browser execution. 

Responsive images - Source: Imagify
Responsive images – Source: Imagify

You’ll need to generate multiple versions of each image and then specify which one to use in your HTML or CSS using viewport dimensions, media queries, etc. 

Important: the image size will change depending on the site’s layout breakpoints (building blocks of responsive design).

Most common responsive breakpoints for serving responsive images - Source: Imagify
Most common responsive breakpoints for serving responsive images – Source: Imagify

If you want to follow Bootstrap standards, you can use use the following media queries to ensure that your images are responsive:

  • 576px for portrait phones
  • 768px for tablets
  • 992px for laptops
  • 1200px for large devices

Now that we know the dimensions we should specify for each screen, how do we tell the browser which one to pick according to the visitor screen? 

You can use src, srcset, and sizes attributes to serve different images to different display densities (qualities) on mobile or desktop. In the example below, we use the src attribute to tell the browser that different sizes are available for the flower picture: 

Responsive images with the src attribute - Source: WebDev
Responsive images with the src attribute – Source: WebDev

To automatically serve responsive images on your WordPress site, you can use Cloudinary (no setup required). It’s an end-to-end image and video management solution for websites and mobile apps. You can easily upload images and videos to the cloud and automate smart manipulations of those media (resigning, optimizations, etc.) without installing other editing software.

Serving properly size images with Cloudinary -Source: Cloudinary
Serving properly size images with Cloudinary -Source: Cloudinary 

Once optimized, Cloudinary serves the images through those three CDNs: Akamai, Fastly, and CloudFront. If you want to connect your own CDN, you’ll need to contact them. 

Want to test if your site uses a responsive design? Go to Google Search Console > Mobile Friendly and enter your URL.

Mobile-friendly page result - Source: Google Search Console
Mobile-friendly page result – Source: Google Search Console

3. Use Vector-based Image Formats

Another strategy to properly resize your images is to use vector-based image formats (like SVG). An SVG image can be infinitely scaled with a finite amount of code without losing quality.

Icon fonts vs .SVG - Source: Imagify
Icon fonts vs .SVG – Source: Imagify

Resizing images is crucial for web performance, but you can follow many other advanced optimization techniques to give your website an extra speed boost. 

Have you heard about encoding, compression, and using next-gen formats to make your WordPress site faster? In the next part, we go over a few more image optimization strategies you can implement in a few clicks, thanks to Imagify, one of the best image compression plugins for WordPress. 

Making Images Faster with Imagify

With Imagify, you can’t resize your images manually. Still, you can accomplish the following file size optimizations: 

Learn more about the differences between lossless and lossy image compression in our dedicated guide.

In terms of compression, Imagify can save up to 95% of your file size! In the example below, we can’t resize images with our values, but compression has downsized the width and height of our images. 

As mentioned above, bulk optimization allows you to optimize all the images at once:

Bulk optimization button - Source: Imagify WordPress dashboard
Bulk optimization button – Source: Imagify WordPress dashboard 
Converting images to WebP - Source: Imagify WordPress dashboard
Converting images to WebP – Source: Imagify WordPress dashboard 
🔊 Important to note: as of March 2024, Imagify also converts images to Avif, the other next-gen format recommended by Google to make your images lighter.

Wrapping Up 

The best way to avoid properly sized image warnings is to learn the measurement of the different areas of your website (logo, sidebar, sliders, featured images, etc.). Once you know which dimensions are needed for each part, displaying the right size for any device will be a piece of cake! 

Resizing images is not the only way to optimize them. You also need to compress (or encode) them and serve them in a next-gen format like WebP or Avif. 

All those strategies will significantly reduce the image file size, resulting in a faster download time for your visitors. And good news, they can be implemented easily with the Imagify plugin! A free trial is available so you can optimize a few images and see how your page performance improves. No risks-taken!

Imagify, decrease the size of your images, increase the speed of your website: try it for free
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